This project was going to die before it was even born | Introducing Paolo Mele’s contribution for rs548049170_1_69869_TT (The Other Shapes of Me)’s project and book

Without the Tessitura Giaquinto rs548049170_1_69869_TT (The Other Shapes of Me) today it would still be a project in Vavarella’s drawer and a possible regret for Ramdom. And instead this work is the prize for the lucid and daring madness of an artist who knows how to look at the technological and analogical world from new and never taken for granted perspectives and the revenge of the small world that knows how to become unique and great. It is a demonstration of how small towns contain stories of inestimable cultural and human value that the city does not know and often cannot preserve and how the so-called panorama of independent, or rather ‘interdependent’ cultural organizations, to which Ramdom proudly belongs, can bring original and innovative methodologies and work content to the world of contemporary art.

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